Part 1: A Dream

This is Alexander Montari. One night, not so long ago he had a dream. In his dream he saw a family far in the future. A family that had brought many great things to their neighbourhood. Somehow he knew that it was his family - only it couldn't be - he didn't even have any children. He tried to settle down where he was and forget about the dream but it was impossible. Then one day he recieved a letter - a large plot of land had been left to Alexander (in some batty great-aunts will). The land was in far-away Pleasantview and Alexander almost ignored it - then he remebered the dream.
Alexander withdrew his life savings and left for Pleasantview the next day.
Once Alexander arrived in Pleasantview he realised £4,800 of savings wasn't really enough to build a proper house (especially not one on a plot of land as big as his). He did however manage to afford a two room shack - complete with a bed, sofa, refrigerator, oven and toilet. The less said about the lack of a shower the better. It was at this point Alexander contemplated giving up... there was no way he could bring up a family in conditions like this...
.... then Alexander saw an advert for a mailroom technician, he had heard that this was a company who liked people to get to the top from the bottom rung. Deciding that this was exactly what he was trying to do with his 'family' he took the job.
With a bit of money coming in Alexander managed to buy a few more essentials for the house (including a shower). Then the promotions came one after the other. Maybe this could work after all - Alexander thought after fitting his first window.

Then one day Alexander met the local police officer, Andrea Hogan, as she was on the beat. Pretty quickly Alexander started spewing nonsense about how she was more beautiful than all the flowers he had ever seen. Then he cursed inwardly because there was no way that could ever work...

... 'Or maybe it could,' thought Alexander as he leaned in for his first kiss.
Alexander and Andrea had a whirlwind romance, the kind that only seems to last for two days, before he asked her to move in - and of course she accepted.
Preparing for the first night as a co-habiting couple Andrea commented on how much nicer the house looked since she moved in. Alexander said nothing but inwardly he thanked Andrea for the money she brought with her. Now he had both the money and the house (sort of) as well as the perfect woman to start his family with.
Pretty soon Andrea decided it was time to introduce Alexander to some of her friends... she decided to invite them round, but which ones to invite first?
Then she had it... she could play matchmaker at the same time. The invitaions were sent (well phoned through).
The matchmaking failed spectacularly, but they seemed to approve of Alexander.
I love the storyline of the dream and will. It's very original. Off to read more.
So let me get this straight. Andrea is matchmaking for HIM??? I thought he wanted HER to be his woman. *is confuzzled* Anyway, I like the blog thus far and will continue with the other chapters now. :O)
Thank you for the comments guys. I'm glad you're enjoying it.
To answer the confusion Andrea was trying to set her friends up... they kept doing the though bubble with hearts thing - but I forgot to take a picture so it didn't really make sense without them...
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