Part 3: Generation 2 - The (Very) Early Years

It seemed like forever ago that Andrea had been throwing up into the toilet. However, after all the mood swings Alexander was excited that this was all going to be over soon. And about the baby of course...

Make that babies...
As Alexander gazed into the eyes of his daughter Elizabeth he could barely believe that this was happening. Andrea pretty much felt the same as she kissed her son, Nathaniel, but had put up with the pair playing football inside her for ages so she had a much better idea. Even as the twins continued to keep the pair up through nappy changes and midnight feeds Alexander knew his dream was going to come true.
As the twins grew they learnt to walk, were potty trained and then they learnt to talk. Both parents felt this was an awful idea and immediately regretted it.
All too soon it was birthday time and the twins became children. (I didn't realise until now I had no toddler photos) Elizabeth was already showing signs of wanting to follow in her mother's footsteps...
However Andrea was considering following a new career in painting. But decided against it after this 'masterpiece'. Alexander ever the one to be encouraging hung the painting in the children's room, but agreed Andrea should stick to policing.

It was at this point Alexander realised by how much his little family had grown... and the house with it. Well you could hardly consider it a two room shack anymore.

Pretty soon it was time for the twins' first day at school. They were a shoe in for the local private school because of Alexander's job as President of one of Pleasantview's biggest companies. Andrea couldn't bring herself to watch as her babies left her... but cheered up when she realised she could persue her dream of being on of Pleasantview's richest inhabitants.
Another few years passed and the twins grew into strapping teens. Nathaniel decided he was going to be a chef when he grew up and started making the connections he needed - plus as far as he was concerned the more friends the merrier.
Where as Elizabeth had a slightly different set of goals for her life, and she set out to become the most knowledgable person she could be.
Alexander tried to forget that his children were growing up and would soon be leaving him for university. There was nothing more he wanted for his family after all than for them to get the start in life he never had. But forgetting all of that he decided that he would try and act a little younger instead of someone who was about to become an elder.
Nathaniel didn't think he'd got it quite right. Judging by his general speechlessness that is.
Elizabeth wasn't so sure. Either that or she was just humouring Alexander. Or annoying her brother.
Meanwhile in a restaurant on the other side of town Andrea was having a mid-life crisis of her own. She had gone on an outing with three complete strangers, but seemed to be having a good time. Even after they made her pay.
Uh oh, she's not thinking of cheating, is she?
Nathaniel looks a little chunky around the middle I think. :O)) And the both of them need a makeover I think - y'know ... to match their aspirations. Plus, I was never very fond of that Maxis haircut for the boys. :O) And as for Andrea and her midlife crisis ... maybe she wants to meet new people. That doesn't mean she plans to cheat on her hubby or anything cruel like that ... right?
I can confirm that so far Andrea has been the perfect wife and has not cheated on Alexander.
Anjel76 - I can't believe I didn't think to give them makeovers - they will get them at uni though... it's a bit too late now they've left home.
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