Part 6: Elizabeth Montari - The College Years - Part 1

This guy is most definately allowed in.
Tyson, as Elizabeth learns when she stops ogling the boy, is actually quite a sweetie. He offers to loosen all the knots in her back from moving heavy boxes into her new place.
Over the course of the first term however one thing leads to another. Elizabeth does manage to keep up with her studies - but doesn't forget how to have fun.
However, like many other people she attend lectures in unsuitable dress. However, Elizabeth is careful to consider the benefits before doing so.
When she realises she is going to need to exercise as part of her course Elizabeth wonders if biology was really the way to go. Then again the least she could do is try to beat the other guy, right?
Uh oh - this guy at the end is pretty good. Or maybe it's just beginners' luck.
Yup - beginners' luck on two counts. How come the middle guy ended up winning?
After all that hard work Elizabeth decided that a little comforting from her boyfriend was necessary. Again complete with slightly perverse cheerleader.
Elizabeth then invites Tyson to stay the night - however, after getting down to business he doesn't seem to be able to sleep and instead ransacks Elizabeth's library. He was saved from a thorough talking to about proper respect for books by the final exam of Elizabeth's Junior year.
What is with cheerleaders? Well atleast she is doing well. And she should be glad that her boyfriend is into books, rather than internet porn. lol
You've got a couple of studios sims on your hands. One question though - why did you decide to move them into separate houses instead of into the same house? And the cheerleaders must be lonely if they keep invading when something intimate is going on. ;O)
I'm not sure why I moved them into seperate houses actually I just wanted to at the time. However when they get back to the neighbourhood only Nathaniel is moving back into my main house...
It's weird but I don't think I'll have every generation live seperately though.
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