Part 8 - Nathaniel Montari - The College Years - Part 2

When we last saw twins Nathaniel and Elizabeth it was at their parents house during a visit during which it was announced that Nathaniel would be heir to the legacy his father began with his move to Pleasantview. Upon arrival back at La Fiesta Tech in preparation for their Junior year Elizabeth gives her brother a talking to about doing the right thing for the family given his new responsibilites as heir.
After Elizabeth returned home Hailey tried to start a discussion about past times between them - but Elizabeth's talk on responsibilities weighed on Nathaniel's mind heavily.
Not too heavily though - as he and Hailey start the new craze of 'Synchronised takeout eating: Chopstick style'
Having slept on his troubles Nathaniel finds time to play with the house's new toy. And also finds that he's quite good at it.
Hailey had to prove she was better - only she wasn't. Yet.
Nathaniel then decided to write home to his father explaining that he didn't feel as though he was heir... he was too young for something so important.
Meanwhile Hailey wonders when pineapples started growing in the desert.
Nathaniel would make his mum proud.
Hailey she doesn't want to know about that. Nathaniel is her brother.
Apparently she does want to know - they continued along the same vein of conversation for quite some time. Nathaniel took the opportunity to invite some of his old friends from home up for a get together - anything to avoid the discussion in the living room.
However when Tosha arrived the discussion was still going on - and she wasn't too happy to hear that the boy she had a crush on from all those years ago at Pleasantville Academy had grown up and away from her. She decided to take it out on Hailey with a firm poke...
...who retaliated with a glass of water. Nathaniel diffused the situation before things could turn really nasty. Tosha left in a sulk and Nathaniel was left to calm Hailey down.
Once she was sure that Nathaniel wasn't upset about the way she had treated his friend she succombed to his cheering up tactics.
He did however get very upset over some bugs he had found in the back garden earlier that day.
However, there wasn't much time for getting upset over silly little things like that really - given that the final ever exam for both Nathaniel and Hailey was later that night. There was no real need to worry though because both did absoultely fine - Nathaniel graduating Summa Cum Laude and Hailey Magna Cum Laude. Now when does the party start?
The party started the next morning when Nathaniel roused just about everyone on campus with his drum playing... noone seemed to mind though as the booze was flowing freely out of the converted pineapple, as well as plenty of music. And the infamous dance sphere.
What Nathaniel hadn't told everyone was that he had recieved a letter back from his father saying that when he had first moved to Pleasantview he didn't think he could manage to bring up a family that he believed to be so important either. He went on to explain that meeting the twins' mother had changed everything and that they built the family together. It was then he knew what he had to do - Hailey had been with him through everything so far - it made sense to carry on in the same way. He got down on one knee...
It was obviously the last thing she was expecting. Nathaniel explained his father's words and explained how he wanted her to be part of the future of the legacy...
... and she didn't take long to agree.
After the proposal there was only a short amount of time to enjoy reminising with friends before... was time to grow up, l ose all fashion sense and go home.
Obviously the Maxis guys do NOT have a fashion consultant. I mean, how can they get away with dressing sims like this?!?! It's positively barbaric ... not to mention inhumane! Or inSIMane in this case. But I'm glad ol' Nat seems to be getting on the "I'm the heir" bandwagon. What a lovely surprise at the graduation party!
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