Part 10: Generation 2 takes over
When Nathaniel finally arrived home, first class honours degree in hand, Alexander and Andrea could not help but feel proud of what both twins had gone on to achieve. It was then Nathaniel decided to ask something that neither Alexander or Andrea had expected - he wanted his fiancée Hailey to move in with them rather than let her return to her family in far away Veronaville (Hailey is really a townie but... artistic liscence). Of course both of his parents agreed immediately even if they were a little surprised.

As far as Alexander was concerned there was only one thing for it - the house was going to have to undergo some large changes. The whole family was called together to discuss how best to change the house - many extravagant (and some sensible) ideas later and Alexander had decided how best to change the house.
Given the amount of changes the house had survived through - from its very beginning as a two room shack (if you could call it anything as dignified as a shack), to its present state - Alexander knew plenty of good builders to get the house on its way.
The plans were drawn up and sent off. Before long the brand new Montari Manor stood in proudly in place.
There was enough room for all the family in the new house as well as room for a fair few luxiourious extras. As well as any future expansions Andrea pointed out helpfully with a knowing look at her son.
Nathaniel and Hailey soon claimed the 'Western Wing' of the house for themselves - which came complete with a room the could be used as a *cough* walk-in wardrobe (according to Hailey). Nathaniel just let them go on hinting - they didn't have to start a family just yet. He didn't move any clothes rails into the extra room though.
Meanwhile Alexander and Andrea were just as happy with their 'Eastern Wing' - far away from any walk-in wardrobes that might wake them up.
Hailey and Nathaniel soon settled in to work - as graduates both were highly desirable as employees. Both started work straight away - Hailey as a Minor Leaguer...
... and Nathaniel as a Prep Cook.
While they were at work Tyson decided to pay a visit - or 7. (Winner of my World's Scariest Sim award - he just kept walking past the house a lot - kinda creeped me out)
Meanwhile Alexander contemplates a career in amateur dramatics. He does howver miss the point of acting and proceeds straight to the part were you're obssesed with your appearance.
After a couple of successful days at work Nathaniel has some time off - and decides to throw a wedding. Hailey quickly agrees and takes the day off work as well.
Nathaniel is up early on the morning of the party to check that everyone got the invites...
While Hailey gets a 'welcome to the family' speech from Alexander - which only vaguely makes he wonder if her husband to be is in the mafia.
The stage (well wedding area) is set.
Tyson begins proceedings with a toast to the happy couple - only half of whom is actually present. Nathaniel hardly had time to worry about his missing wife and father though... there was more toasting to be done.
So much so that when it actually came to the getting married part of the party everyone was still toasting them. Well Andrea might have been trying to decide if Tyson was really right for her daughter given his bright pink suit jacket.
Hailey and Nathaniel didn't seem to either notice ot care that no one was watching as the exchanged their vows.
Then Nathaniel gave Hailey her ring...
...and sealed the marriage with a kiss.
The effects of all that champagne were beginning to show - all three bathrooms in the house were occupied and some people just don't know how to hold it in. Elizabeth seemed to think it was funny though.
Nathaniel called his new wife over (from where she had been having her shower) to cut the cake...
... when it came to feeding it to her however he may have given her slightly too much. Hailey took it well however and grabbed a slice herself.
No sooner than the cake eating had begun the party was over. It was then Alexander and Andrea explained exactly what their wedding present to the couple was... a honeymoon weekend at one of the luxury hotels downtown.
The newlyweds almost forgot to squeal their thanks to the groom's parents for such a lovely present before they ran for the limo to take them there.
When they got to the hotel both had to admit that the loved the present very much and decided to take full advantage of their lovely room... and nice soft bed.
Awwwww!!! That was the sweetest thing I ever saw. :O)) Are we going to get to read up on his twin and her new life? I'm kinda curious. :O)) But the house looks GREAT! What a neat style! :O))
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